
Soodhawantii Wasiir Ahmad Hussen Hosted by Communty HARESSO Ee Edmonton AB

  The Horn of Africa Relief Educational and Settlement Services Organization (HARESSO) team hosted a welcoming event for two newcomers to Canada. The reception was held in Edmonton, Alberta, and hosted Hamda Ahmed Jama, and Joseph Amadu, who had recently migrated from Kenya's Kakuma refugee camp and Indonesia's Jakarta. We talked with them and provided them brief orientations on the weather, Canadian culture, norms, and ways of life and more, particularly Alberta province. They were introduced to prominent members of the community and shared their experiences with them during the event, which was more of a greeting and networking event. The volunteers from (HARESSO) played a vital role in making this event a success. Over a cup of tea and a meal, we discussed our experiences, expectations, and realities of living in Canada during these trying times. The two of them have promised to attend any future event that the organization hosts for newcomers to share their experiences beca...
  Volunteer Capacity Building Training and Workshop HARESSO had volunteer capacity building training and workshop, which was given to our new volunteers. The capacity-building program focused on the services and necessities that newcomers require when they arrive in Canada, such as medical care, trauma treatment, and counseling. Other subjects discussed in the one-day capacity development training and session included the requirement for newcomers to be registered in schools to assist them with the language and other everyday services such as how to use public transportation because they do not speak the language here. The workshop was facilitated by our volunteers who are professionals with experience working with agencies and organizations that provide these services. The new volunteers left the workshop inspired and ready to assist newcomers in settling into their new lives.
Two days roundtable discussion for the leaders of the African communities in Edmonton Haresso conducted two days roundtable discussion for the leaders of the African communities in Edmonton. The discussion was about raising awareness the challenges the new immigrants face when they arrive in Canada The new immigrants face many challenges including language barrier, lack of employment opportunities, housing issues, cultural shock, accessing health services amping other things. Haresso arranged the meeting with the leaders to share information on the best way we can help our respective communities to navigate the resources available and integrate in their host communities Our organization provides new immigrants with interpreters on their respective language, connects them with their respective communities, orient them on the weather and cultural gap and show them around the city for easy access to local transportation.  
  Haresso Covid-19 Vaccination Campaign In                            Kampala Uganda HARESSO as one of our global commitment we have mobilized community awareness program on Covid-19 vaccination in Kampala Uganda , the program is aimed to make the community understand the importance of vaccine in this unprecedented times where Covid-19 pandemic has negatively impacted the whole world. The program targeted the vulnerable parts of the community like elderly, people with other underlined medical conditions and people who live in crowded areas and residents. We have initiated local teams who work with the health professionals and government agencies through identifying the areas of main concern and connecting the voiceless parts of the community to the service providers. We also have engaged the local leaders to play their role in the    fight against Covid-19 pandemic, we encouraged the leaders like area c...
  HARESSO SERVICES: RELIEF HARESSO provides humanitarian assistance to vulnerable people in Canada and the Horn of Africa, particularly whose live-in remote areas. We respond to natural catastrophes, floods, and droughts as well as provide opportunities for the communities to prepare for those unforeseen crisis. EDUCATIONAL Helps refugees and their children obtain information about basic education, by providing suggestions and training courses to understand the Canadian educational system to go forward and help themselves grow and develop. SETTLEMENT HERESSO welcomes refugees and helps find a place to settle during their first year in Canada, we also provide assistance about the suitable way to obtain a job opportunity to support themselves.